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Commencement of Stock Offering
February 20th, 2025. Marathon Bancorp, Inc. announced today that it is commencing its stock offering in connection with the proposed conversion to the fully stock holding company. Stock Information Center (312) 461-4342
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One Year Anniversary
This month marks the 1 year anniversary of our new branch in Brookfield, WI. It’s been a great first year and we are excited to serve the Brookfield area. Stop in and see what we can offer.
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Why bank with Marathon Bank?
Enjoy a better banking experience with Marathon County’s original community bank. You’ll experience genuine banking built on relationships with people you can trust. Unlike big banks, our local roots mean local decisions and the comfort of familiar staff. Encounter personalized service, the warmth of a community partner, and the strength and security of a trusted local bank. Join us today and discover the difference.