
May 26, 2020 14:36

Re-Opening of branch lobbies

Dear Marathon Bank Customers,

Effective Tuesday May 26th, 2020 all Marathon Bank offices will be re-opened for access by the public with the following restrictions and guidelines:

  • Please do not visit the bank if you are sick or symptomatic (we can assist you in other ways)
  • Please do not visit the bank if you have had contact with anyone that may have COVID-19 or if they are symptomatic
  • Observe and practice social distancing (6 feet) between yourself and others
  • Limit branch visits and time spent in the bank
  • Use hand sanitizer as needed (before and after touching shared surfaces)
  • Utilize face masks/ coverings when possible
  • Limit non-customer and unnecessary guests (children, friends, family members) during your visit

Although the branch lobbies will be opened, we encourage you to continue to use the drive-thru when possible.

Marathon Bank continues to monitor developments with COVID-19. Our highest priority is the safety and health of our customers and employees, and we are taking all available precautions to ensure the prevention of further spread of the virus.

We appreciate your help with observing and practicing best public health safety measures during this time and for your patience and understanding with any inconvenience this may cause while businesses re-open throughout the community.


Nicholas W. Zillges
President & CEO
Marathon Bank